Your favorite dish may become the reason why you’re feeling under the weather. Here are a few surprising foods you didn’t know could make you sick.
After a hard, long workday, you may reward your own efforts by going to your favorite restaurant. They provide all the best meals and drinks, giving you plenty of options to choose from. So, you dig in and enjoy every second. With a full stomach, you return home and get comfortable in your bed.
Suddenly, you wake up in the middle of the night, clutching your stomach. Next thing you know, you’re in and out of the bathroom. In the end, you find out you have food poisoning. Learn about some surprising foods you didn’t know could make you sick.
Poultry and Meats
Protein is often at the center of entrées, surrounded by carbohydrates or other types of sides. Meat offers a lot of nutrients and vitamins for the everyday consumer but can also contribute to feeling sick. Chicken is usually the reason someone finds out that they’ve contracted salmonella.
Beef and fish can also pose a risk. Next time you decide to eat any fleshy protein, be sure to take the necessary steps to cook it thoroughly, and don’t leave it out for more than two hours. You can always check the temperature with a meat thermometer if you’re unsure.
Fruits and Vegetables
Some surprising foods you didn’t know could make you sick include fruits and vegetables. Though they provide immunity against illnesses as well as the necessary vitamins to improve your life, they can sometimes make you ill.
Fruits and vegetables have been the reason behind several food poisoning outbreaks. Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, celery, and tomatoes are usually the culprits, contaminated with E.coli, salmonella, and listeria. Keep an eye on local health news about recalls or outbreaks and wash your food before consuming it.
Dairy and Starches
Other food victims of contamination are dairy and starches. It’s no surprise that your favorite feta or Brie cheese is at risk. Because some soft cheeses are often unpasteurized, they can contain salmonella or listeria. Be on the lookout and choose pasteurized cheese.
As for starches, E. coli is the first thing that comes to mind. Watch out for potatoes with green-tinted skin; they can contain high levels of solanine, which builds up in the skin of the starch. Make sure you bake them quickly to kill any bacteria, or just don’t eat green potatoes.
Who knew that eating your favorite foods can have you feeling sick? Consider what you eat regularly and take caution. Of course, don’t avoid your favorite meals; just be sure that they’re well-cooked and clean before consumption.