If you haven’t heard by now, Target now offers a new wine brand, California Roots. It comes in five varietals: chardonnay, moscato, pinot grigio, cabernet sauvignon and red blend with the all containing at least 13 percent alcohol, except for the moscato. The best part, each cost only $5.
The reds hold their own and make a store brand proud. The whites serve a purpose without breaking the bank. Browse the tasting notes below and let us know which wine you’re picking up at Target tonight. Cheers!
The Chardonnay
Perfect for an after-work cooldown, the chardonnay emits a light oaky fragrant. The crisp green apples give it a hint of sweetness. The white wine left the palate dry and bitter which some drinkers prefer.
The Moscato
The moscato wine smells floral and it tastes sweet like a fruity syrup. It seems to have a low acidity with a juicy finish. Pairing it with mild cheddar cheese will intensify the flavor. Drink it as a dessert wine by itself instead.
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The Pinot Grigio
The pinot grigio didn’t give off any recognizable scents. The light-bodied vanilla feels crisp and dry, yet it ends softly. Pair it with barbecue chicken to bring out a subtle sweetness.
The Cabernet Sauvignon
The cabernet sauvignon exudes an oaky-cherry bouquet. The fruity red wine offers an acidic sweetness. A tingly cinnamon aftertaste lingers on the tongue. It pairs well with the pork tenderloin.
The Red Blend
The red blend releases a smoky aroma. The berry tang produces the right combination of sugar, acid and tartness. Butterkäse, aGerman butter cheese, brings out its characteristics even more.
At only $5 each, who says good wine has to come with a hefty price tag. With the holidays around the corner, you can stock up for those cool evenings by the fireplace plus impress friends and family at the upcoming gatherings.
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